This year’s Alter Eco Competition!
After the runaway success of last year's competition, Goldsmith Vintage have done it again with their very own vintage upcycling anti-fast-fashion competition! All entrees were to an extremely high standard so decisions have not been made easily, but after much deliberation, the talented finalists have been announced. The winners have been announced…
What is Alter-Eco?
Any Goldsmith Vintage customer knows that we take disposable fast fashion and its catastrophic contribution to global climate change extremely seriously. Our items are either original, vintage or part of our Rework collection, and we reuse around 30 tons of garments every year.
Fashion production is the 2nd biggest contributor to climate breakdown after oil, responsible for 10% of humanity's carbon emissions, drying up our water sources, and polluting our streams and rivers. Additionally, approximately 85% of all textiles end up in the dump each year (UNECE, 2018) including 300,000 tons in the UK alone, and washing certain fabrics sends a significant quantity of microplastics into our precious oceans.
We won't just stand by and do nothing, which is why we here at G.V decided to launch our Alter Eco competition a couple of years ago. The mission was to discover and showcase the most exciting emerging young talent within the fashion world whilst simultaneously making a high-profile commitment to combatting fast fashion's disastrous effects.
The idea was simple. Each student received 1.5kg of vintage deadstock (second-hand clothing that would otherwise not be sold) and thread, and had four months to design and create an original garment that embodied the idea of circular fashion.
Goldsmith Vintage founder Peter Goldsmith said, ‘The idea for Alter Eco was hatched during the pandemic to give students a platform to express their creativity. The standard has been really high and we’re so proud Alter Eco has been adopted into university curriculums. Thanks so much to all the students who've entered, and of course our fabulous judges.’
So, as mentioned, we’ve finally announced the winners!
They are:
Year 1 Fashion, Design and Textiles
1st Leticia Fereeira Vaz
2nd Georgina Bailey
3rd Voltessa Rrigia
4th Muhsina Ahmed
Year 3 Fashion, Design and Textiles
1st Maisie Denson
2nd Elena Popova
3rd Megan Spicer
4th Horacia Haye